Hibiscus | Along the Garden Path

by Jim and Melanie

Our walking path takes us by the garden of a neighbor who has many Hibiscus plants nearby. We check on each pass to see which ones are in bloom. Their flowers are large and showy. Each is about 6 inches (15 cm) across. Some are deep red, pink, and white with different combinations.

The link provided here has many interesting facts, a list of the many species, and photos of many of them.


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13 thoughts on “Hibiscus | Along the Garden Path

  1. shoreacres

    These are beautiful. Of course they grow well down here, and come in yellow, salmon, white, and varigated, as well as double-ruffled. The petals on these are interesting. I don’t remember seeing that pattern before — the parallel lines that give them the appearance of being pleated. Very attractive.

  2. Steve Gingold

    Lovely images of these beautiful flowers, Jim. We have one Hibiscus, a Lady Baltimore, which is a rich red. I especially enjoy the contrast between the red tightly wrapped petals as it starts to open and the the green sepals enclosing the buds. Our leaves take a real beating from something I have yet to identify, but the flowers seem to do just fine despite the carnage.


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