Milkweed | Busy Visitor

I transplanted three common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) plants from a path we walk to our garden last year. They were about a foot tall at that time. They have done well this year and are over four feet tall and now in bloom. This busy bee was so intent it let me get very close for this photo. No sign of Monarch butterflies yet.



10 thoughts on “Milkweed | Busy Visitor

  1. shoreacres

    They are the cutest things, and from my experience, not particularly aggressive. I was surrounded by them in a patch of basket flowers recently, and they only had eyes for that pollen. I was surprised by the sound of their hum — really quite loud. Are you seeing more of them than in the past? A lot of people down here have been commenting on how many are around.

    The milkweed’s pretty, too. It’s a delightful photo.

    1. Jim Ruebush Post author

      Thank you about the photo. I can’t say I’ve noticed any change in their numbers. I haven’t paid attention to that. They are always around doing their thing. They never bother me. And, I don’t bother them.

  2. Mrs. P

    WOW…great shot!

    I have been making sure to plant lots of bee friendly plants around the project house, mostly along the fence line, away from where people would frequent.

    I’m sure the Monarchs will find your milkweed desirable

  3. melissabluefineart

    Hooray for you 🙂 I grow two species of milkweed but seldom get Monarchs because of the shade I also have. By now I would normally be seeing Monarchs out in the field but this summer I haven’t been yet. I suspect the GMO corn is playing havoc on them and other insects. It is vital that we all provide habitat in our yards, but it is also vital that we speak out against pesticides lest we lose our native vitality.


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